
Terms & Conditions

The copyright of the instruction manuals and parts catalogs belongs to Hatsuta Kakusanki Co., Ltd.
You may not copy or falsify any part of the contents of the instruction manuals and parts catalogs.
We do not provide all instruction manuals and parts catalogs released by our company.
Parts in the parts catalogs include parts that are no longer available for purchase due to their expiration date.
This service is for customers who have purchased our products.
We will not be liable for any damages caused by unavailability of this service.
The contents of the operating manual are subject to change without notice due to specification changes or other reasons.
The contents may differ from those included with your product or products.
Operating manuals and parts catalogs for engines, hydraulic equipment, etc. are not included.
Please note that we reserve the right to discontinue or change the contents without prior notice.